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  • Skin Boosters

    Rejuvenate and refresh your skin with our Skin Boosters treatment at ALTERA AESTHETICS. Using advanced technology and powerful serums, this treatment works to hydrate, plump, and revitalize your skin, leaving you with a radiant and youthful complexion. Say goodbye to dull, tired skin and hello to a dewy, glowing look. Schedule your appointment today!

  • Chemical Skin Peel

    Restore your skin’s natural beauty with our Chemical Skin Peel at Altera Aesthetics. Our gentle yet effective peel can improve skin tone, texture, and overall appearance. Whether you’re dealing with acne, sun damage, or uneven pigmentation, our professional staff will help you achieve the radiant, smooth skin you’ve been dreaming of.

  • Mesotheraphy

    Revive and refresh your skin with our Mesotherapy face and body treatment at ALTERA AESTHETICS. Our customized blend of vitamins and minerals is injected into the skin to target specific concerns and improve overall skin health. Whether you're looking to address fine lines, wrinkles, or cellulite, our expert team will create a personalized treatment plan to help you achieve your skincare goals.

  • Carbon Laser Peel

    Revitalize your skin with our Carbon Laser Peel at ALTERA AESTHETICS LT. This cutting-edge treatment uses a gentle laser and carbon mask to deeply cleanse and exfoliate, leaving your skin radiant and refreshed. Say goodbye to dull, uneven skin and hello to a brighter, smoother complexion. Schedule your appointment today.

  • Russian Lips

    Get plump, luscious lips with our Russian Lips treatment at ALTERA AESTHETICS. Our skilled professionals will enhance your natural beauty with a subtle and natural look. Using advanced techniques, we'll create the perfect pout to suit your individual features. Say hello to the perfect pout with our Russian Lips treatment.

  • Facial and Body Lift Threads

    Experience a rejuvenating and anti-aging treatment with our Facial and Body Lift Threads service at ALTERA AESTHETICS. Our advanced threads provide a non-surgical facelift and body contouring, revitalizing your skin and restoring a youthful appearance. Say hello to firmer, lifted skin with lasting results.

  • PRP (Plasma Rich in Platelets)

    PRP therapy is utilized for cosmetic purposes and to address certain skin conditions. It can promote collagen production, improve skin texture, and stimulate hair growth, making it beneficial for conditions like acne scars, alopecia, and aging skin.

  • Dermal Fillers

    Dermal fillers are a popular cosmetic treatment designed to address various concerns related to ageing, facial volume loss, skin imperfections, wrinkle Reduction, Restoring Facial Volume, Enhancing Lip Volume and Shape, Improving Facial Contours, Softening Facial Scars and Depressions. As we age, our skin gradually loses collagen, elastin, and fat, leading to volume loss in the face. Dermal fillers can restore lost volume in areas such as the cheeks, temples, and under-eye hollows, resulting in a more youthful and rejuvenated appearance. Dermal fillers can be strategically injected to enhance facial contours and proportions. They can sculpt the cheeks, jawline, chin, and nose to create a more balanced and aesthetically pleasing appearance. Dermal fillers can help improve the appearance of acne scars, surgical scars, and other depressions or indentations on the face by filling them in and creating a smoother skin texture.

  • Hydra 02

    Treat yourself to a rejuvenating Hydra O2 facial at ALTERA AESTHETICS. This innovative Hydra facial treatment boosts your skin's hydration and overall tone, leaving your skin glowing and revitalized. Pamper yourself and enjoy the benefits of healthier, more radiant skin with our Hydra O2 treatment.

  • Antiwrinkle Treatments

    Anti-wrinkle treatments encompass a variety of cosmetic procedures and skincare interventions aimed at reducing the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines, improving skin texture, and promoting a more youthful appearance. Botulinum toxin injections are neuromodulators that temporarily relax facial muscles, reducing the appearance of dynamic wrinkles (wrinkles caused by repetitive muscle movements). It is often used to treat frown lines, crow's feet, forehead lines, and other expression lines.

  • Laser Facial Rejuvenation

    Experience the ultimate in skin rejuvenation with our laser facial treatment at ALTERA AESTHETICS LT. Our state-of-the-art technology targets fine lines, wrinkles, and other imperfections, leaving your skin looking refreshed and radiant. Say goodbye to dull and tired skin with our laser facial rejuvenation service.

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